Taking a gap year (a sabbatical year) before starting university has become quite popular among the fresh high school graduates. Increasing ease and affordability of travelling and communication, multifaceted experiences that living, learning or working in a foreign country present, the value of building international friendships and professional ties are among many factor that motivate students and their families to invest time and money in a gap year program.
While a gap year may simply be based on travelling around the world, it may also consist of a more planned program (package) that includes volunteering, internship, language learning and/or cultural experience. For the latter, a European country is particularly attractive destination as you will be surrounded by a huge diversity in terms of language, sectors of economy, culture, history and geography.
Being located, more or less, in the center of Europe, Germany, for instance, could be an excellent choice for spending a sabbatical year. While, for example, doing an internship at a start-up company in Berlin or volunteering at a farm in the Black Forest region youngsters will not only learn about the rich culture and language of this leading European country, but will also enjoy travelling and discovering other European countries.
Consulting Services for Planning a Gap Year Internship Program in Germany
Having the mission of empowering individuals to make positive change through education, Education Mobility Grid (EMG) believes in the positive impact that a gap year program can create in a young individual’s life and his/her view of the world.
EMG assists young individuals in finding an internship position, which fits their individual profile, in a Germany-based company, as well as assistance with cultural orientation. Contact EMG to meet its experienced, international team and discuss your individual options!