Glass ceiling effect and women in education

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Glass ceiling effect and women in education
Fair and equal opportunities for all citizens are an important value in the society. Making all positions in public and private sector equally accessible for qualified individuals is a ground for a just and empowering social ambient for all citizens. Women often face some difficulties and still in the society one can detect the glass ceiling effect. This effect is the unseen, yet unbreakable barrier that keeps minorities and women from rising to the upper rungs of the corporate o state ladder, regardless of their qualifications or achievements.
Erasmus+ Project, “Breaking the Glass Ceiling for Women Administrators”, to which EMG participates as a partner organization is entering a new phase. Project partners will be working on developing the IO2, namely the training program for women administrators in education field. The aim is to empower woman through educational and training measures to achieve a better position in the education field. It has also a general public informing capacity in order to change traditional glass ceiling attitudes, so that women get a more equal treatment and realize their unalienable rights. Let’s break the glass ceiling!

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